Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Om-nom-nom-nom... Mmm, Delicious

I often move around computers. There are several I use at work, I've got one in my flat, I use my girlfriend's computer and sometimes my mum's computer. So loosing track of where I saved which bookmarks is a constant problem. But no longer! Apparently.

On the surface, Delicious seems great. But there's two big problems with it:

  • It's just not as easy as my favourites on IE or whatever. Those are available from a sidebox, a toolbar *and* a menu. Whilst I need to go to a whole new website to see Delicious. And to get to that website, I need to use my favourites anyway! If there was a good iGoogle gadget I could forgive it, but there isn't.
  • Also, it won't let me organise all my links into folders. I like hierarchical structures as well as unstructured systems. So yes, I just like having folders as well as tags, sorry.

Delicious definitely isn't useless. The idea of having a tool that lets you share your bookmarks is cool, and the Networks feature that lets you see other people's bookmarks is a good one. But it's not going to change my life and I won't be using it regularly.

So Delicious gets a meh from me, I'm afraid.

I may well be converted by Google Bookmarks, on the other hand. Having all my bookmarks nice and simply in my iGoogle page is great. I know it's Bookmarking not Social Bookmarking, but I've always seen Bookmarking as quite personal anyway. So Google Bookmarks it is!

On the other hand, I think Tags are awesome, I love opening up classification and making it so gloriously post-co-ordinate and unstructured. I've always been a big fan of tags, and I use them excessively in my Googlemail. As I said above, they don't work for everything and I do like having structured nested folders as well, but they are great.

Tags get a big yay!

Over the past week I've also revisited iGoogle, and I must say I'm converted. It means my Googlemail and my Google Reader are in the same window. That's brilliant. It's rapidly becoming essential for me. Especially as I've trimmed it down to just a few gadgets, thus avoiding information overload- BBC Oxford weather, Googlemail, Google Reader and a satirical news site. Yeah, I'm totally revising my opinion of it to a yay.
I just wish more sites had good iGoogle gadgets. Livejournal, for example. There is a gadget that uses the mobile phone Livejournal platform (cunning!), but you have to log into it each time rather than it remembering your details- very irritating.

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